26 April 2009

Closer to me, baby.

Yeah !!!!! Went to Ikea with my darlings. Miss them so much.
Long time ago didn't hang out together.
We still have a lot of topics to talk, to gossip, to laugh and share too.

23 April 2009


他 我 不曾相识
印象里 绯闻和某些交流 促进了我他的距离
暧昧 真的让我受了 委屈
可是 到了最后 他还是爱上我了

是充满了 甜蜜 温暖
也饱满了 祈祷与祝福
甚至注视着 令人羡慕的眼光

现在 我回想起一直以来的一切
真的没有想到 我曾经是目光中最幸福的女生

自私 贪心 可恶 逞强 刁蛮 任性

也许我再也没有能力 让你拥有该有的幸福 了


18 April 2009

17 April 2009

Anniversary for me and dear.

Today is Mr.Pang Li Xiu and Miss Yap Scze Xing's half year anniversary.
(Hey. Am i very crazy ?? Only half years also need to celebrate. =.=")
So how ?? Wanna beat me ??
BLEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dear help me !! SOS.

16 April 2009

happy beginning. f ending.

f. My house is going to renovate now. Too messy and dirty. I need to clean up somewhere after backed home. How come i bring phone along with me while cleaning at upstair ? GG. ><
( 3 new messages + 1 missed call )

" ..... u doing wat thr o ?"
"Eii wat happen 2 u "
"Apa hal kamu "
"Sorry. Just took bath. Before chatted and cleaned at bedroom. Don't worry. I'm okay here."
"I'm so sorry. I don't know wil make you so worry. Sorry. T.T"
"Always lik dis d a u" (f. like this said YOUR girlfriend)
"Didn't bring phone to anywhere and busying to clean at upstair there. How to sms with you. Sorry lor."
"Fine na nathing"
" ?? Fine nothing ? You unhappy right now ?? "
"Dunno lar. continue lar u u oso going out 2 eat ad"

** while he in bad mood, he dosn't like to inset any symbol in the message. Pay attention start from third message. He didn't put symbol.
--- I didn't blame him. Tested him before and asked him.

I don't decide to reply him anymore. I hate him. Always blame me at this that i didn't keep replying his message at all time. May i get some freedom while i at home and sharing with family ?? He not same as me. He don't have family beside him always.
Yes. I agreed that i also need to contact with him. But .. Don't know how to say myself. Look like my fault at all. I also not told him about this before. Did he listen to me ??

f. ><

12 April 2009

I love shopping =)

I met dear at sungai wang. I spent time to shop at 6th floor there while waiting for my dear. So i was attracted by this floral dress. Wow. Captured some photos for my dear. He didn't give me any comments. He just SMILING at me. Not pretty ??!

so can you give me some suggestion of this dress ??

07 April 2009




我爱你 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05 April 2009