25 May 2009

Hurted and crying ....

我和他 之间

出现了他 ...

一切的变化 ... 只是误会? 还是幻想 ?

他可以当作没有 ...

可是骗不了我的心 ...

所有的 ... 我能放下吗? 我会不舍得吗?

一切的一切, 因为我的自私 ...

对不起, 我伤害了他

我喊痛了 哭了 ...


23 May 2009

Tomorrow is 24.05.09

Painting work in my school today. Damn hot and dirty. I went to watch basketball prastice with ho yong, thian quan and wai xiang. Wow. I be the camera girl. But just took few photos only. xD

Hey guys !! ~ Let's you see mothers' day cake that i bought for mummy.
Very cuties right ?? xD

20 May 2009

I L.O.V.E U 520

520 是每一对情侣最喜欢的一天


你 有和爱人一起过吗?

可是 我竟然不知道这一天的意思

抛下他一个人, 独自找节目


觉得我很糟糕 ...

考试 ... 已是我 十个小时前的过去
成绩 ... 将是我七个小时后的紧张
假期 ... 也即将是我的劳动的时候
因为 ... 我要付出所有的时间和体力去
而且 ... 毫无回报 只有回忆
不过 ... 我一会加倍地 付出又付出
你 要和我一起付出噢 !!!!!!


12 May 2009

L.O.V.E is blind

我真的 真的会想念你

可是我还是爱你吗 .... ???


你呢 ?

也是会等待吗 ??

08 May 2009

memory as a secret

曾经 对我无微不至

曾经 让我爱上了他
曾经 对我温柔体贴

曾经 让我依依不舍

曾经 对我甜言蜜语

曾经 让我甜蜜一段日子

曾经 对我有了希望
曾经 让我和他有了将来

曾经 对我注射兴奋剂

曾经 让我疯狂地爱他

曾经 对我许下承诺

曾经 让我对他还有感觉

想起了他 不知他过得怎样呢

以他的魅力和帅气 当然还有他一直拥有的桃花运

或许每天都有不同的味道吧 ....

偶尔 他会想念我吗??


04 May 2009

He's mine, not yours.

After society and while waiting for mummy with weili at school hall,
careless cherry called to me and ask me back to classroom there to take her handset.
So when i walked to hall, i heard someone said "waiye, waiye, do you see waiye ?".
Maybe you will say don't worry, not talking about me girl.
BUT i know. That xxx's friend was calling me.
At that time, I got a bit upset and still very curious that why she so mind and can't give up about before.
I knew.
Because he is a prefect guy for her. She love him and never forgot about him.
He belongs to me now. He's mine.
I wanna prove that he can give everyone happiness, but i will give a ton of happiness to him.
And you will .. ?
Watch out, xxx !!!!!!
He's mine.